Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Importance of Crediting

Hey, Brady here.
I wanted to talk about crediting videos in the wee hours of the morning today. So here we go.

I place a very high value on making proper credits. It is one of the few ways that someone can find out who made the video and who acted in said video. Without it, it's almost like no one helped at all. Someone might think that would be a good idea. If people think "Hey, this guy was able to do this all on his own" it will give more respect to the individual who did not credit the other folks who helped.

This mind set is a very terrible one to have. Likely, people help on the set. Less likely, people are paid for the "job" and maybe some favors are exchanged. The one way to ensure that everyone gets a fair piece of the final product is through the credits. Even though it seems like a small video, "oh just going on Youtube" it is extremely important to credit the people involved. Especially if they worked for free. It might not seem like much to the creator or editor, but it matters tremendously for the individual who devoted a few hours of their life to help make this project come together and that "small" amount of acknowledgment is all they are asking for.

If in the industry, someone isn't accredited, people get sued. So pretty important there. In smaller, non-contracted work, people who aren't accredited probably won't work for that person again. It can easily kill a reputation. Imagine having that stigma, no one wanting to work for you because you're untrustworthy.

If the movie industry was a one man business, I'd get out now. The fact that it takes everyone working together the best the can to produce a work of art is every bit as intriguing as the art itself. I try to never let anything go for granted. It would be impossible for just one man to make the movies you see on screen. It isn't about the man, it's about the collaboration for me.

Like I said, people working together in a positive way just is a beautiful process for me. I keep that in mind through out the whole filming process. It's never "my" project, it will always be "our" project and that's because I know for a fact that without the help of every single actor, camera operator, production assistant my product would turn out to be total crap.

I need every individual to work at the top of their game, and to have a good time doing it too. When it's all said and done, each one of us has something gained from the experience. Though production can be grueling from time to time, I know for a fact there will be gain.  It can be a hard week or two, longer for features, but after that, we have achieved a work of art that will last forever. And when everybody has worked to the best of their ability to ensure the success of that art, the rewards of it are unlike anything I've experienced before. Sitting down at a screening with all the actors, camera operators, and production assistants while getting a great reaction from the crowd generates a sense of accomplishment and pride that warms my soul. I know I couldn't have done anything without the guys sitting next to me, and thank them for every minute of it.

Now imagine if I didn't credit any of them. All those things are out the window. I wouldn't even be able to enjoy the piece after that. That's me personally, but I just try to make sure that I give credit where credit is do.

Keep it in mind,

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