I don't usually post things that exist outside of the realm of the indy trendy universe, but I believe this is for a great cause. Well, I should on the count of I created the page.
IndieGoGo is a world renowned platform that hosts campaigns with the sole purpose of raising funds by selling attractive perk incentives to a pre-established audience. This sort of thing has been going on for many many years, wikipedia told me that even the statue of liberty needed some extra funds to find its way to completion!
Having mentioned the statue of liberty, I wanted to ride the curtails of its glory and hilight my personal IndieGoGo page for the Dallas local band, RivetHead.
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Link: http://igg.me/at/rivethead/x/632612 |
RivetHead is more than just any local band. They are a band that thrives on community involvement. Let me just reference one video. RivetHead created a very lovely video for their remix of the song Smack My Bitch Up, in which they have a storm trooper running through Dallas interacting with people. Take a note here, there are literally hundreds of people getting involved. Not just people either, clubs, venues, bartenders, doormen, bouncers, security. EVERYBODY!
I dare you to try and do the same thing!
Now if that isn't something. The band spends time and energy making sure they are totally available for their fans. No matter if it's just a picture, or if they can give a guitar pick out for free. They are generous and genuine musicians that love their fans and love to give back when they can and whenever they can!That's the whole reason I've been so driven in this project, the fans can give back to a loyal band. We have made it easy for you to give back. It doesn't take much. The time to do this is right now, if we all combine forces, it will change what this fundraiser, project, and band can do for its fans! If we lolligag, we will be sure to miss a rare opportunity to build together!
Think of it like an ant trying to carry a tree. If there's just a few ants trying to lift the tree, it will not budge. That's why when ants decide to funk shit up, they don't send just like two. They send like four million of those fuckers.
That's why we need you. Sure five dollars doesn't seem like much. But if we take this and use it as a strategy, we WILL make a big chance. RivetHead has fans from around the world. They have tons of CD sells, they have a fan base. We just need to get everyone together and show the world we're not a just an ant, but a mighty army!
Link to the Campaign: http://igg.me/at/rivethead/x/632612